СЕО продвижение

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СЕО продвижение

Post by Tina »

Мы долгое время искали надежного партнера для SEO-продвижения нашего сайта в Киеве и выбрали EcKit https://www.eckit.org/kiev/. Команда профессионалов сразу же провела аудит и выявила слабые места, предложив пути их исправления. Работа над контентом и техническими аспектами сайта дала свои результаты уже через несколько месяцев. Наш сайт теперь занимает лидирующие позиции в поисковых системах, и поток клиентов значительно увеличился. Рекомендуем EcKit всем, кто хочет добиться успеха на просторах интернета.

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Re: СЕО продвижение

Post by RobertGibson »

SEO or search engine optimization is a complex of methods that allows a site to be ranked higher in internet search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and others, when a user searches for certain keywords. Thus, for example, an optimized website about travelling would have higher ranking (ideally, it would be the first one) if a user searches for 'tourism news' or 'travel to Thailand' in Google.

As the main aim of any corporate website is not only to represent the company in the internet, but also to attract new clients, quality SEO is essential for any website, for if a potential client is unable to find your business, he/she is also unable to use your services or buy your goods. It must also be taken into consideration that nowadays the internet is the main source of information, which means that good SEO is the right tool for attracting more customers. In other words - nowadays good SEO is as important, as a product or service itself.

SEO is not a single action, but a complex of measures that influences design and content development for a website. Besides that, it is advisable to consult SEO specialists even the topic of presentation is a familiar one. It is especially relevant for product and service descriptions - SEO specialist will help your information not only describe the products, but also attract people who have never even heard about them. It must be noted that SEO-editing does not change the essence of the content, it improves and enhances it, adding keywords and making it easier to find.

Arteqo Consulting SEO services also include the so-called SEO analysis. It is another important step is the search engine optimization of your website, as it allows seeing your current ranking in search engines and possible actions of improving it. SEO analysis also allows discovering your most successful competitors and the causes of their success. This information is further used in optimizing your website, making you the leader.

SEO analysis allows discovering not only the searching/ranking potential for your website, but also other possible aspects and problems, such as the bounce rate - the number of people that 'bounce off', i.e. close the page just after opening it. Furthermore, it is possible to separately analyze such mistakes, see their cause and ways of removing them. Thus, SEO analysis allows discovering problems with design, content, page optimization and many other issues.

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Re: СЕО продвижение

Post by wiingnut »

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