While many of the companies on the TSXV are in the resource and energy sectors, there is still a lot of high quality stocks in other sectors. Some of these sectors include: Clean Technology, Life Sciences, Technology, Diversified Industries, Real Estate, Exchange Traded Funds, Structured Products, and other categories.
Like all companies on the TSXV, they’re at the early stage of their lifecycle. This presents an opportunity for those of us out to discover future giants. Whether they’re a technological company looking to create the latest media sensation, gadget to facilitate transportation, or a brilliant idea that is being developed to revolutionize our lives, the tech sector is a fascinating space where you can find a vast array of budding young companies that have made far enough to get exposure as a publicly listed company. Who knows how many investors seriously regret missing out on massive opportunities, like the billion dollar tech companies that have become household names today? Make sure you’re not one of them…research on these companies will give you knowledge to identify, and execute a high quality investment opportunity, giving you the potential to ride up that wave on a profitable technology based company.

Clean technology is growing in demand. As the world becomes more “green-conscious”, the demand for reducing our carbon footprint means that companies will be ready to supply the products necessary. A relatively undervalued space, yet we see huge potential because of the practical applications. Why not own a portion of a company that is part of growing space? The right company can make you an enormous profit. Think green is the future? If you do, make it a profitable one.
“The greatest wealth is health” – Virgil

The Life Sciences sector is of great importance to everyone, and one that contributes significantly to improving the quality of life. Given current demographic trends such as longer life spans, an aging population and behavioural trends such as the typical lifestyle lacking optimal physical exercise, and many other factors, we witness an ever increasing demand for biotechnology and health based industries and products, this sector is a natural fit. Projections indicate that the aging population is expected to grow rapidly.
This provides one with the opportunity to get behind companies that will profit off the continuation of our evolving lifestyle trends.
Real Estate and Diversified Industries are also excellent for adding diversity to your selection of investment opportunities. The variety is vast in both these sectors, and provides you with an ever increasing variety of investment opportunities.
Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and Structured products are investment instruments. We believe investopedia.com does an excellent job of defining these products.
ETF: A security that tracks an index, a commodity or a basket of assets like an index fund, but trades like a stock on an exchange. ETFs experience price changes throughout the day as they are bought and sold.
[source: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/etf.asp#axzz2HSG2Wd6n ]
Structured Products: A type of investment specifically designed to meet an investor’s financial needs by customizing the product mix to adhere to the investor’s risk tolerance. [Structures Products] are generally created by varying the amount of exposure to risky investments and often include the use of various derivatives.
[source: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/structured_investment_products.asp#ixzz2HSGcISJc]